Capture | Tanzania Photo Tour Highlights

Justin Kase Conder
Justin Kase Conder

Join Rustic Pathways for a Tanzania photo tour. Photographer guide Steve Boyle did and and his photos will make you want to go on safari tomorrow. We asked him to share a few of his favorite images and some thoughts from his time in this beautiful country and they do not disappoint.

Poli Primary School in Njoro Village

Poli Primary School in Njoro Village

“On the Faces of East Africa trip we spent several hours every day at the local school. I would pop in and out of classrooms as the students were teaching locals. The light was great in these rooms and the kids were all precious in their uniforms. They would fight over pencils and often sit 3 to a desk.”

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park

“This is one of my favorite images from safari because it’s a different view of lions that you probably haven’t seen. You know you are at the top of the food chain when you can just pass out on your back in the sun in the middle of the Serengeti without a care in the world!”

Njoro Village outside of Arusha

“This is the husband of our host family on the Faces of East Africa program. He used to be a chicken farmer and one evening after dinner he sat all of us down and explained everything we needed to know about different types of chickens, how to care for them and how to eat them, the whole time talking with his hands and flailing this chicken around in the air. Staff member Kristin looks on in amazement. This image was lit with my headlamp.”

Ngorogoro Crater

“For me, this photo captures what it’s like to experience a safari. It’s several days in a row, 8 to 12 hours in those vehicles and often waiting for animals to clear the roadway. This image was taken in the Ngorogoro Crater where I completed my quest for the Big Five after spotting a rhino about 250 yards away!”

Serengeti National Park

“I hope that this image can speak for itself. It is one of the most memorable and beautiful sunsets that I’ve ever witnessed. The colors, the landscape, trees, clouds, everything—just breathtaking!”

More about photo tours at Rustic Pathways

Learn about Rustic Pathways photography tours

See our Capture photo tour collection:

If you want to check out more of Steve’s work, check him out on Instagram, Tumblr, or on his website. Keep an eye out for another post of Steve’s work in the near future from his photo tour to Tanzania. Happy travels.

About the Author
Justin Kase Conder
International Photography Manager

Justin's insatiable curiosity and love of people inspire every aspect of his photography. Over the past 18 years, his work as a photographer has taken him to every U.S. state and 39 countries around the world. A native of California, he has worked as a photographer for USA Today and The Associated Press. Justin has photographed and led service and adventure programs all around the world for Rustic Pathways. He also coordinates the hiring and training of all of our summer Photographer Guides.