Kevin Wang's Employee Profile

China Country Manager

How did you get involved with Rustic Pathways?

I learned about Rustic Pathways from Mary Yuan who was China Country Manager in 2012. I worked as a local program leader from 2012 to 2016. I realize how important a role “travel” plays in students’ education since then. I decided to fully join the Rustic Pathways team in China.

How long have you been working with Rustic Pathways?

I have been working with Rustic Pathways for the last 8 years.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job?

The best part of working at the Rustic Pathways is learning from my colleagues all the time. Each person I work with at the Rustic Pathways teaches me something. My colleagues create positive energy in a work environment which inspires me to do more and think more everyday.

My favorite moments at Rustic Pathways is when the most shelled students come out of their shells and become independent and responsible travelers during our program or afterwards.

Why do you view travel as an essential part of every education?

I believe that education is a lifelong process. Classrooms with teachers, classmates and textbooks are one way to learn but they are not the only way. Traveling is the essential way to learn things.

Here below are 6 reasons why traveling is accepted as an essential part of every education:

1. You learn languages

As we know that English is the most spoken language in the world. It will work for you most of the time. But it is always better to learn the local language of the place you are going to visit.
Travel provides a real language learning opportunity in the field.

2. You learn about other cultures

Cross-culture learning is not just traveling to a foreign country but also to a different part of your own country. By traveling, you better understand the fundamental reason behind the different cultures and where the common ground leads to.

The understanding and accepting of different cultures is not just about learning things to make our living but also it plays a vital role in your life long education.

3. You learn social skills

Lack of skills in communication, conversation and public speaking which become a common changeling for our digital generations. It often locks your potential opportunities for you.
You may be a little shy and find it difficult to communicate with other people besides asking your smartphone for the answers, but traveling will change that. For example, things like talking to complete strangers or asking them for help is not an option but a necessity during travels.
Traveling will automatically put yourself in the position where you have to push yourself hard to develop or unlock your social skills.

4. You learn to be independent

Independence is a final goal of every education.
Traveling is the way to training yourself more independence through real life experiences.
Traveling is time to use and test the knowledge which you learned from your teachers and textbooks.
Traveling will teach you how to transform your knowledge into wisdom which can be your life long guiding lines.

5. You learn compassion for the lives of others

When you travel, you begin to realize that in spite of all the differences, we all are connected by a shared same humanity somewhere deep down in our hearts. Especially, the more you travel and the more you will realize this. It will inspire you to do more to make the world a better place for all people.

6.You learn about yourself

Travel helps your education about yourself. You will realize your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really want to be. Without travel, you have a very limited understanding of yourself and reflecting on yourself.

What makes you proud to work at Rustic Pathways?

“Together we overcome challenges and accomplish the extraordinary. We are better as a team than as individuals.”

Doing things correctly is more important than doing things fast.

你是如何知道并加入Rustic Pathways公司的?

2012年我结识了当时作Rustic 中国区的经理Mary. 后来有幸成为一个兼职的领队。随着对Rustic公司理念的深入了解和认同。我于2016年应聘为全职员工。

你加入Rustic Pathways 有多长时间了?






1. 游学为“活学活用”其他语言提供了最直接的渠道。学会并掌握一门语言,是开启了解其它民族和国家的一把金钥匙。


3. 实践出真知。游学为在实践中学习提供了最佳的平台。游学旅行补齐了“高分、低能的短板。有利于提高自己解决实际问题的能力。学以致用,主动学习的精神都来自于游学过程中的身临其境。

4. 教育的最终目标是培养人独立、自由。游学是培养和锻炼一个人独立自主的重要方式。游学的过程也是把学习到的课本知识转化为实践的过程, 这样就达到了学习知识的目的。达到了学习——践——再学习——再实践的良性循环,完成的把知识转化为智慧的沉淀。

5. 教育的终极目的是开化。启迪人们人心向善;知行合一;虚怀若谷;敬畏生命,为人类本身和大自然间万物的和谐共处探索更好的方法。游学就是迈出了这种有益探索的第一步。


Rustic Pathways 的那些公司价值观,让你十分自豪和认同?
