Travel Vaccinations

Travel Vaccinations

We’re frequently asked about what vaccinations are recommended for international travel. While we can’t legally make specific recommendations (we’re not medical professionals), we can provide some suggestions to help you become a prepared and informed traveler!

For COVID-19 vaccination information, please visit Program Safety in the COVID-19 Era.

1. Research your country or countries of travel. Refer to your Rustic Pathways program web page to find the itinerary and understand the locations you’ll be visiting.

2. Refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website to learn about recommended and optional vaccines and medications. Click on the country below for a quick link to the CDC web page for your specific country.

3. Discuss this information with your general physician or local travel doctor.

Helpful Tip #1: If you don’t know how to find a local travel clinic, here are a few suggestions:

  • Call your general physician and let them know what your plans are and they will be able to direct you to the appropriate medical office.
  • Most Universities have travel clinics associated with them.
  • Look up for recommended travel clinics in your area.

Helpful Tip #2: Check with your insurance.
Some vaccination and medication expenses can be covered by medical insurance while other vaccinations are not. It’s always good practice to discuss these expenses with your insurance provider before paying out of pocket.

Helpful Tip #3: Lead-time is important with certain vaccinations.
Please be aware that some immunizations involve a series of inoculations or medications spanning several weeks, so don’t put this off for the last minute. We suggest taking action at least 8 weeks prior to your departure date.

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