Emma Johnston's Employee Profile

This profile features a past Rustic Pathways colleague who helped positively impact lives and communities around the world.

Emma Johnston

I started to work for Rustic Pathways in the summer of 2016 in a temporary position with the HR Department that eventually turned into a full-time position as the Team Resources Coordinator. Although my role in Rustic is behind the scenes, I feel connected every day to my co-workers and am fulfilled knowing that I play a part in keeping Rustic’s Mission and Vision alive.

At a young age, my parents instilled the love and importance of travel into my world. Instead of celebrating the holidays every year, we would go on a family vacation every other year.  With my family, I have traveled to places like Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Bahamas and all over the United States. The love of traveling followed me into my high school, college years, and beyond.

I have spent time in Nepal trekking in the Annapurna Range, hiked to Machu Picchu, explored Bolivia, Ecuador, Thailand and have traveled extensively in Europe.  I feel the most alive and inspired when traveling and exploring new places, people and cultures.

This past summer I had the opportunity to Flight Lead to Costa Rica. I was able to feel the magic of Rustic Pathways firsthand and see the positive impact the programs had on the students. It was amazing to see the transformation that occurred with the students pre and post programs and the bonds they formed with their fellow students and their Program Leaders.

I believe traveling and education have a symbiotic relationship and it is an essential part of education, especially in our world today. Traveling opens the minds and eyes of students and helps them appreciate the diversity of different people in various parts of the world and helps young learners understand and respect other cultures on a deeper, more tangible level. Outside the constraints of a classroom and textbooks, traveling widens students’ views and increases their intellect and their ability to connect more genuinely with people different than them. As students travel and experience different cultures, they learn tolerance and respect which leads to a more global perspective and shared humanity, something that Rustic Pathways is passionate about.

One of the perks working for Rustic is the Friends and Family Discount Program that I have used every summer since working for Rustic Pathways. I was able to give my discount to students who wouldn’t have been able to afford the programs paying full price and share Rustic’s Vision and Mission with them. Upon returning from their programs, they shared their experiences with me and how the programs were a catalyst for inspiration and change in both their personal and academic lives. This excited me and again, made me feel the magic of Rustic Pathways. I am inspired by the work that Rustic does every day and grateful to be a part of positively impacting the lives of young learners who in turn bring that impact to their lives and beyond.