
Trade your trousers for a kanga, and prepare to learn about Tanzania's alpine deserts and baobab-filled savannas. Why, even the lions have taken to climbing trees! Oh, how delightfully edifying!
Ah, dear compatriots of intellectual pursuit, prepare your mind-palaces for architectural marvels and celestial wonderments! This exploration of Cambodia unveils a land of reverse rivers and flags with edifices. Simply extraordinary!
Ecuador, I daresay, boasts an extraordinary fact: trees that walk! Imagine the magnificence of such nature, continuously evolving in movement. It is as if the very Earth beckons us to witness its finest spectacle!
Throughout our programs, we have group discussions and reflections to hear how students are engaging with their surroundings and the program. Use some of these prompts to start conversations with your students about the experiences they’ll have on your trip.
Added together, Rustic staff members have visited thousands of countries and spent years traveling and living abroad. I asked these travel aficionados and packing ninjas to share their secrets. Keep reading for some of the most ingenious travel and packing hacks you’ll ever hear!